Evaluation and Treatment
We evaluate acutely, subacutely and chronically injured patients. We have a dedicated team of physicians and medical professions to gather and document information about the injury and make accurate diagnoses. We expertly triage injuries, guiding efficient testing and imaging through our dedicated network of both in-house and directly affiliated medical and surgical facilities. We coordinate, order and oversee the gathering of information from a variety of sources to carefully document and diagnosis all the relevant details of injuries, many of which can be complex and multifaceted. Once diagnosis is made patients are referred to the appropriate specialists for care, all typically within our clinic.
Medical Legal Evaluation
Our Specialists are able to perform Medical Legal Evaluations and serve as Medical Experts on a case by case basis. Please contact us for further information.
- Independent Medical Evaluation-includes up to approximately 90 minutes of record review, examination, and report preparation based on submitted questions to establish an informed expert opinion on the validity and nature of a diagnosis.
- Case Evaluation-a one-time evaluation without intent to treat. Restricted to relatively simple cases, one body part, limited medical record review. Speaks to diagnosis, causality and outlines future care needs including costs.
- Independent Neurological Medical Evaluation-includes up to 90 minutes of record review, examination, and report preparation based on submitted questions.
- Independent Neuropsychological Evaluation- this is typically a full or multi-day evaluation that includes up to 90 minutes of record review, examination, and extensive, comprehensive report preparation based on submitted questions.
- Legal Record Review-a review, evaluation, and summary of all submitted medical records with response to submitted questions.
- Life Care Planning-a comprehensive physician based medical assessment and data analysis to provide a lifetime care plan for current and future needs with associated costs after either non-catastrophic or catastrophic injury.
What is a life care plan?
The life care plan is a dynamic document based upon published standards of practice, comprehensive assessment, data analysis, and research, which provides an organized, concise plan for current and future needs with associated costs for individuals who have experienced catastrophic injury or have chronic health care needs.1 It is a way to plan for the lifetime needs of an individual with a disability.
According to life care planning methodology, topics which are considered for inclusion in a life care plan include evaluations, therapies, diagnostic testing, medical and adaptive equipment, aids for independent functioning, prescription and nonprescription medications, home care/facility care, routine medical care, transportation, architectural modifications, potential complications, surgical intervention, and vocational services. There is a standardized procedure for gathering information to develop a life care plan, including doing an interview with the client and family members, reviewing medical records and supporting documents such as depositions, day in the life videos, school records, employment records, and tax returns, consulting with treatment providers and/or experts, and researching costs and sources for treatment.2
Physicians specializing in the field of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation are uniquely qualified to evaluate and develop life care plans for people who have suffered catastrophic illness or injuries. 1 International Conference on Life Care Planning and the International Academy of Life Care Planners. Adopted 1998, April. 2 International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals (IARP), www.connect.rehabpro.org/lcp/about
Comprehensive Surgical Care
We provide comprehensive surgical services to include surgery, assistants, surgical facilities, anesthesia, surgical implants, rehabilitation equipment, intraoperative monitoring, medications, home health care and post operative care. Our surgical specialty fields include: Spinal Surgery, Endoscopic Spine, Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist, Hand, Hip, Knee, Ankle and Foot.
Supervised and Coordinated Musculoskeletal Specialty Care
The care rendered at the WashingtonOSIC is supervised and coordinated by our medical director, an Orthopedist with vast experience managing musculoskeletal injury. He personally reviews and oversees all the care rendered in the clinic, including surgical and non surgical. This assures that all the evaluations and treatments rendered by different members of our treatment team are all coordinated and optimized to assure the best possible outcomes for our patients. This synthesized care entails confidentially maintaining all medical records in one file so our treating physicians all share information and coordinate with one another on a regular basis.
Concussion/ Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Care
Washington OSIC offers a full service brain injury program. This program is led by our dedicated concussion specialist and is systematically designed to comprehensively implement best practices to facilitate brain and functional recovery. This is accomplished by coordinating care among an extensive team of professionals including: Neurology, Psychology, Optometry and Vision Care, Physical and Balance therapy, Neuropsychology, Neurosurgery, Nutrition Therapy and Counseling and Life Style/Sleep programs. In addition we coordinate advanced imaging as needed, to include EEG, MRI, fMRI and DTI testing. Our concussion team works closely with our musculoskeletal experts to assure the best possible recovery for our patients.
Fluoroscopically Guided Injections (C-Arm Suite)
Therapeutic injections (Interventional Pain Treatments) are frequently used to treat injured body tissues, especially in the spine. Treatments include epidural steroid injections (both interlaminar and transforaminal), nerve blocks, radiofrequency ablation, facet joint injections, lumbar sympathetic plexus blocks, trigger point injections, intraarticular facet joint injections, sacroiliac joint and selective nerve root injection, among others. For patient convenience, these injections can be safely performed in our office fluoroscopy (C-Arm) suite. When necessary, sedation can be administered for procedures.
Joint Injections, Guided by Ultrasound
Ultrasound is used to guide joint and superficial injections. When peripheral joints, such as finger, knee, elbow require injection we utilized ultrasound to precisely localize needle position, enhancing accuracy. Ultrasound is a radiation-free modality allowing the physicians to see surface anatomy with great clarity.